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NAIFA-Minnesota 2024 Prospectus

Jan.1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024

Message from the President

Dear Prospective Sponsor,

Consider a sponsorship investment with the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors – Minnesota. NAIFA-Minnesota hosts quality training, social, and advocacy events throughout the year, for our members to learn and build strong relationships with industry peers. Our events are headlined by national speakers and regulators to keep our members educated and informed. We also provide members, as well as sponsors, with an opportunity to network, learn more about each other’s practices, collaborate, and foster partnerships.

Listed below are opportunities to make the most of your sponsorship dollars. If you have an idea for an additional benefit that we didn't think of, please reach out. We want to do all that we can to maximize your return on your sponsorship. We look forward to seeing you and your name at future events, as well as continuing to build relationships with you and your organization as partners. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@naifa-mn.org.

Thank you,

Brian Fleming, CFP, CLU | 2024 NAIFA-Minnesota President | BFleming@focusfinancial.com | (320)-762-7744 Ext. 303

Download the Sponsorship PDF

NAIFA Sponsorship Packages & Benefits Annual Premium Annual Platinum AnnualGold Monthly Meeting Sponsor
Package Cost
$ 5,000.00
$ 6

$ 2,500.00
$ 7

$ 1,000.00
$ 29

$ 600.00
$ 79
Packages Available Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Choice of Monthly Meeting
Annual Benefits
Free Passes to Monthly Meetings 2 1 1
Free Passes to Socials 2 1 1
5-minute Company Commercial 2 1
Branding in NAIFA Communications Yes Yes Yes
Logo on Monthly Meeting Registration Form Banner Yes Yes Yes
Branding at Monthly Meetings Yes Yes Yes
Branding on NAIFA Website Yes Yes Yes
Branding on Blog Page Yes
Display table at Monthly Meetings Yes Yes
Membership list provided once a year Yes Yes Yes
Submit an industry specific Blog Post Yes
Social Media Recognition Yes Yes Yes
Introduce Speaker at a Monthly Meeting 1
Provide In-person or Virtual Speaker Yes
Host a Social Event at your Office Yes
Monthly Meeting Sponsorship | One sponsor per meeting. Choice of available meeting dates.
Free Pass to Meeting Sponsored
5-minute Company Commercial at Sponsored Meeting
Branding in Promotion of Sponsored Meeting
Display table at Meeting Sponsored
Attendee list for Meeting Sponsored
Social Media Recognition prior to Sponsored Meeting
Sponsorship Purchase Form