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Legislative Update For the Week of May 9th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 5/16/22 2:25 PM

Deal Reached to Resolve Budget Stalemate

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
1 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of May 2nd

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 5/10/22 10:43 AM

17 Days to Go With Low Expectations

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
2 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of April 4th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 4/11/22 4:14 PM

Legislature Takes a Break                                      

The Legislature will be in recess this week for the Passover/Easter holidays, returning on Monday, April 18th. The Legislature has been in session for 10 weeks, but has little to show for the hundreds of hours of committee hearings and floor sessions that have taken place. Only one major bill, reinsurance, has been signed into law.   At the top of the list of issues to resolve is what to do with the projected $9.2 billion budget surplus.   Senate Republicans want permanent tax cuts passed while DFLers want the surplus invested in education, health care, housing, and other areas that DFLers say have been underfunded for years. The failure of the two sides to agree last year on how to give away $250 million to front-line workers does not offer hope to Capitol observers that resolving the budget differences will be any easier this year. The two parties have moved away from the middle toward the fringes, where making a deal with the opposition by compromising is viewed as a bad thing. This could set up five weeks of partisanship and no deals before the Legislature adjourns on May 23.                          

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
3 min read

Legislative Update for the Week of March 28th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 4/4/22 1:48 PM

Reinsurance Extension Becomes Law!

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
3 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of March 21st

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 3/28/22 11:08 AM

NAIFA-MN State Government Affairs Chair Corey Anderson testifying next to Senator Julia Coleman, author of NAIFA-supported legislation, before the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee.

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
4 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of March 14th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 3/21/22 1:30 PM

Quote of the Week
“It was a pile of bull crap on top of a pile of bull crap!” An angry House Speaker Melissa Hortman responding to Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller’s proposal on front-line worker payments.

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
5 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of March 7th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 3/13/22 2:53 PM

Quote of the Week: “The insurance model just doesn’t work for health care!” Rep. Tina Liebling, Chair, Health Finance, and Policy Committee  

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
5 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of February 28th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 3/7/22 11:09 AM

Quote of the Week: “If the author of the bill will yield for another question, maybe this one will be a little more painful!" Legislator grilling a freshman on his bill on the House floor.


Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
5 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of February 21st

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 2/28/22 3:46 PM

Quote of the Week: “Do I need to unmute myself?” Senator speaking into a microphone at a Senate hearing while also watching on a laptop.

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
3 min read

Legislative Update For the Week of February 14th

By Tom Lehman, NAIFA-Minnesota Lobbyist on 2/19/22 2:46 PM

Redistricting Unveiled

Topics: Advocacy State Advocacy
